DTC Canada
DTC Canada
  • We are Independent ​Digital Advisors for SMEs 

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Why Choose Us?

About DTC Canada

We are independent digital advisors with more than 15 years of experience. Our mission is to help small and mid-size businesses to succeed in their digital transformation initiatives by bringing the latest insights, best practices, and advice, for value innovation at scale.

Where we add value to your business :

  • Digital advice SPECIFIC to you business
  • PRACTICAL solutions based on our experience and knowledge.
  • AFFORDABLE cost.
  • REALISTIC objectives and key results.
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15+ years


4 week Delivery


Won't break the bank $

How We Can Help You

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Applications for the Boost Your Business Technology grant are currently closed.

    Due to a high volume of interest, the Canada Digital Adoption Program (CDAP) Boost Your Business Technology grant is fully subscribed and is no longer accepting new applications. If you have a valid CDAP grant agreement, you can continue to work with us and submit your claim for reimbursement once your Digital Plan is complete. Be sure to check when your agreement expires and submit your claim before that date to remain eligible for the grant.gy grant today and lead your business forward.

Get More Information About the CDAP Grant
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Software Implementation (ERP, CRM, HRIS)

Imagine you're a race car driver in a high-speed competition. Just like a race car needs a skilled pit crew to fine-tune its performance, your business needs the right systems to stay ahead in the fast-paced market. That's where Software Implementation comes in, with three key components: ERP, CRM, and HRIS.

ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) is like the engine of your race car. It powers your business, integrating all your processes from inventory to finance, making sure everything runs smoothly and efficiently. With ERP, you streamline your operations, leading to cost savings and better management.

CRM (Customer Relationship Management) acts as the smart systems in your car, like cameras and sensors. It gathers feedback from your customers and market, helping you adjust your strategies and services to meet their needs. With CRM, you not only understand your customers better but also drive up sales and customer satisfaction.

HRIS (Human Resource Information System) is like the system in your car monitoring miles, fuel consumption, and driver alertness. It manages your employee data, from recruitment to payroll, ensuring your team is well-supported and focused. HRIS leads to a more efficient workforce, which is essential for any thriving business.

For a Small and Medium-sized Enterprise (SME), these systems can be transformative. They save costs, increase efficiency, and improve services. But, implementing them can be daunting. That’s where our expertise comes in. 

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Selecting Your Software

How was your last software system was chosen?
Was it a friend's suggestion, an eye-catching ad, or just going with what's popular?

Choosing software for your business can be like searching for the right book in a vast library. You might end up reading several that don't quite fit your needs before finding the right one, or worse, give up entirely.

Let's break it down simply. Imagine you're looking for a book that suits your taste. Instead of wandering aimlessly among rows of books, you'd benefit from a guide who knows every book and can lead you directly to what you need. That's what we do with software for your business.

We specialize in guiding SMEs through this vast 'library' of software options, from ERP, CRM, HRIS, to productivity tools – you name it. By choosing us, you save not only time but also avoid the costs and frustrations of selecting and implementing the wrong software. We have helped hundreds of SMEs find their perfect 'book', ensuring that their choice is a bestseller for their business needs.

Remember, the wrong software can lead to repeated implementation projects and wasted resources. In just 1 to 4 weeks, we can help you avoid these pitfalls, ensuring you select the software that's just right for your business. So, why wander in the library of options when you can be guided straight to the book that you need?"

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Training Your Employees

How often do you train your employees?
Consider this: it takes only one misguided click on a malicious email to compromise your entire business. In today’s digital era, where cybersecurity threats loom large and data management is critical, nurturing digital talent within your organization is not just an advantage; it’s a necessity.

Digital talent represents more than just tech-savvy individuals; it embodies employees who are adept in modern technology and digital practices. These are the people who navigate through complex ERP and CRM systems with ease, wield digital marketing strategies to capture your audience, and understand the nuances of technology sales. They're also your frontline defense against cybersecurity threats and the masterminds who turn data into actionable insights.

Imagine your business as a complex, high-tech car. You wouldn't hand over the keys to someone who isn't trained to drive it, right? Similarly, operating in the digital world without properly trained employees is like navigating a winding road at high speed without a skilled driver. The risk of a crash – or in business terms, a data breach or a missed market opportunity – is high.

This is where we, in collaboration with our sister company, LaCroix step in. Our training programs are designed for the modern needs of SMEs, covering essential areas like ERP and CRM systems, digital marketing, technology sales, Six Sigma, cybersecurity, and data analysis.

Our track record speaks for itself. We've trained thousands of employees across numerous SMEs, equipping them with the skills needed to thrive in today's digital environment. Partnering with us means investing in your most valuable asset – your people. It's about ensuring they are as prepared and capable as the technology they use, driving your business towards greater efficiency, security, and success.

Talk To Us About Training Your Employees
technology roadmap by digital advisor, digital transformation center Canada

Data Analytics

Do you truly know how much profit your business is making? Are you aware of your current inventory levels or the exact amount your customers owe you? Often, these critical details are overlooked by SMEs until growth makes the lack of information unmistakable and challenging.

This is where Data Analytics comes into play. Imagine driving in heavy rain with worn-out windshield wipers. You can see the road, but not clearly enough to make safe or quick decisions. Similarly, running a business without clear insights from your data is like navigating through that storm. You might be moving forward, but you're not optimally positioned to avoid pitfalls or seize opportunities.

Our service transforms this scenario. We step in and act like a brand-new set of high-performance wipers, bringing clarity to your journey. We take your existing data – often messy and unorganized – and turn it into crystal-clear dashboards. These dashboards are not just visually appealing; they are powerful tools, offering real-time insights into critical aspects of your business.

We employ advanced AI models to sift through your data, identifying patterns, trends, and key metrics that are crucial for informed decision-making. This process enables you to understand your profit margins accurately, manage inventory efficiently, and keep track of receivables effectively.

For SMEs, the impact of this transformation is profound. You gain the ability to make decisions based on solid, data-driven insights, rather than guesswork or intuition. This shift not only enhances operational efficiency but also positions you for sustainable growth and competitiveness in a data-driven business landscape.

In essence, our Data Analytics service equips your SME with the tools to see through the storm of data, providing the visibility and clarity needed to navigate the complex business environment confidently.

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Getting a Second Opinion About Your Processes

Have you ever tried assembling a new table without a manual? While it's possible, the likelihood of mistakes – using the wrong bolts or bars – is high. And if errors occur, undoing and redoing the work is not just frustrating but costly in terms of time and resources. This scenario is akin to running a business without well-structured and documented processes.

Process Optimization is like having a clear, step-by-step manual for efficiently running your business operations. In today's fast-paced environment, SMEs need to be agile and adaptable to change. Without streamlined processes, this adaptability is hindered, much like trying to assemble furniture without instructions.

In your business, if only one person knows how to "assemble the table," that's a risk. What happens if that person is unavailable? Our service provides a crucial second pair of eyes. We collaborate with SMEs to review and refine their processes, ensuring they're not just effective but also clearly documented and easily understandable by the entire team.

We employ advanced AI models to analyze your existing processes. This analysis often reveals areas for improvement that might be overlooked – inefficient steps, resource wastage, or bottlenecks. By identifying and addressing these issues, we help streamline your operations, reducing costs and saving time.

The value we add isn't just about finding what's wrong; it's about enhancing what you're already doing right. Our goal is to ensure that your processes are not only optimized for current operations but also flexible enough to adapt to future changes and growth.

In essence, our Process Optimization service is about providing your SME with the "assembly manual" for business efficiency. It ensures that every member of your team knows how to "build the table," reducing risks and enhancing your ability to respond swiftly and effectively to market changes and opportunities.

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Digital Strategy and Roadmap

Digital Strategy and Roadmap isn't about a simple software upgrade like switching to a new ERP system. It's about rethinking your entire business model in the digital age. Should your sales be confined to a physical store, or is it time to explore online markets? Is it more viable to produce goods in anticipation of demand, or switch to a made-to-order model?

These are not just technology choices; they're pivotal business decisions. For this, you need more than just a map; you need a binoculars to see farther, a stethoscope to listen closely to market pulses, and night vision to navigate the unseen challenges of the digital landscape.

Consider the dilemma of a technology student: buying a single textbook "Computer Science 101" versus choosing a comprehensive study program like a diploma in computer science. The former is a quick fix, while the latter shapes the entire career trajectory. Similarly, a digital strategy is more than a tech upgrade; it's a comprehensive business strategy, shaping the future of your enterprise.

How do we assist? We provide the essential tools and expertise to help SMEs chart their digital course. Think of us as your academic advisor in this analogy. We guide you in selecting the right "study program" for your business – your unique digital strategy. Alongside, we recommend the "textbooks" – the tools and technologies you'll need at various stages of your digital journey, forming a detailed and actionable roadmap.

Our service doesn't just sketch a route; it equips you with the means to scout the terrain ahead, understand the undercurrents, and navigate the uncertainties of the digital world. It ensures that every technological step you take is in sync with your overall business goals, turning digital potential into real-world success and longevity.

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Action + Technology = Data Insights.

...At an Affordable Price

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